Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I'm not really sure how I feel about this picture... yikes! :) He sure is handsome, though! :)

Here is a picture of Dano with some of his Marines ... not sure where/when this was taken!

Here is a picture of Dano being... well Dano! :) He always manages to find the most random things wherever he goes! That's why I love him though... always finding something interesting!

Here is a picture of Dano when he traveled further South last weekend. He went on a patrol with a group of Marines. This didn't make me feel so great inside.. but I am SO thankful that the Lord provided him safety!

Here is a picture of Dano flying the plane into Afghanistan when they first arrived! He was so excited that he had this opportunity! He sounded like a little boy on the phone! :)

Can't believe that today was the last day of September and October is here! YAY! I am so excited and amazed at how quickly time has gone by! Before we know it the holidays will come and go, and it will be time for me to pick up my other half :)

Daniel is doing great! He got his package with his new electric razor and GPS! I was really worried that someone had taken the package.. but luckily it was there waiting when he returned from traveling! He was really excited about all of the goodies in the box! His cookies that mom made were crumbled.. but he said they were still good! :) He always sounds soooo excited and encouraged when he has received a package from home! I love how much that brightens his days!
He just got back today to Leatherneck from traveling to a couple of bases. His translator, 'Mike', traveled with him. Daniel said that he is a really nice guy! He sent me a message online that said, 'I can't believe your husband loves you so much. You are really lucky to have a husband like that' :) He also said that he really likes Daniel but Daniel is having a hard time understanding his English! This made me laugh.. not only because I imagined a good ol' Southern boy talking to an Afghani translator.. but because of Daniel's hearing loss! I asked him to be very patient with Daniel as he communicates with him. I thought that his message was very sweet.. made me feel good that even 'Mike' could pick up on the fact that Dano is a good man.. and loves me a lot :)

Our article made it to the Journal Scene today! Click on this link and you'll get to read it! :)
The kids were SO excited about the article! I was, too! I thought that the journalist did a great job writing it up and look forward to sending an 'autographed' copy to Dano! :)
I am SO excited that tomorrow starts a brand new month! I am so thankful for all of your prayers and encouragement! I know that the Lord has a wonderful and perfect plan for our lives.. and this is a part of it for some reason! I am just thankful that I can talk to him so often and get e-mails from him throughout the day to help me get through being without him! It's hard to be without someone once you get used to them being by your side all of the time! I can NOT wait until it's time to bring him on home for good! :) What a PERFECT day that will be!

Friday, September 25, 2009

One month mark!

Today marks one month since Dano left! I have been very encouraged by how quickly the time is passing! Next week is already October, can you believe that?!

I talked to Dano today and I got to see his smiling face! That made it even better! He was very discouraged and down in the dumps... so please pray that God will lift Him up, motivate, and encourage him! He is just very bored when he is at Leatherneck in between travels. Daniel has never been the type to just sit... so when he is back at base it is killing him! I'm just thankful that he gets to travel as much as he does because I can't imagine what he'd be like if he had to stay in that office everyday... he'd go crazy!

Yesterday, the Summerville Journal Scene (local newspaper) came to the school to interview me and my kids about communicating with Daniel from Afghanistan! The kids were SO excited! They were mostly excited because we were expecting Dano to call in for the interview. About an hour before the interview, I got an e-mail from his parents telling me that Daniel had tried to call me from a satellite phone to let me know that communication was shut down and he wouldn't be able to call in for the interview :( We were ALL so upset. The kids were really disappointed (until the reporter got there) and I was, too. Once the reporter got there, we were all much better! They were so excited to do the interview and we are even more excited about seeing our article published soon! They are really soaking all of this up. We were on the school morning show when we first started Skyping with him and now we're going to be in the paper. One of my little girls said, "You know Mrs. Peal... first the morning show, now the newspaper... I'm thinking the next step is television! and that is why I LOVE your class!" :) I thought that was precious!

Well, one month down and hopefully no more than 5 to go. They got a different projected date today... but I'm not counting on anything until we're much closer! We all know how much it can change! As always, thank you so much for your prayers and support! I can't wait to start planning his homecoming.. he's going to be one happy Marine! :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A little more than I expected...

Dano called last night around 10pm! I was so excited to hear from him because the last time I heard from him was Saturday afternoon! That is the longest that we've gone since he's been gone.. so I realized just how spoiled I have become :( It's been so nice to have contact with him every other day or so.. so three days were REALLY long and REALLY lonely.

He sounded good. He had just gotten back from traveling to the southern most part of Afghanistan (where we have Marines). He was filling me in on his last few days.. and he had taken part in a lot more than what I thought that he would be doing. He took a squad out on a patrol and was exposed to much more than I thought that he would be.. considering what he's doing. It shook me up a lot. Without giving details, just know that he needs EXTRA prayers as he may be in and out of harms way with this position after all. It was hard to hear him talk about the things that he had seen and had to do without getting emotional. He could tell that it was upsetting me.. and I hated it! I have done so well keeping my emotions under control when I talk with him. I haven't let him hear me or see me upset because I know that makes it even harder on him. Last night, I couldn't help it... I was so taken off guard with all of this news and information and my emotions just got the best of me. He reassured me that everything was fine.. and that he knew that the Lord had His hand on him and that he would be safe no matter where he was or what he was doing. I was/am SOOOOOOO thankful that the Lord has kept him safe and brought him through everything that he's done this far. Please continue to pray for him as he is starting to be exposed to these things ... and pray for me as I am giving this all to the Lord daily!

Other than that news, he sounded great! Missing me and his doggers terribly.. I had to get them out of their bed and bring them downstairs so he could see them on the web cam. :) They get so confused though.. it's pitiful. They look around all over to see where his voice is coming from.. they definitely miss him!

He was filling me in on the Marines that he checked on while he had been gone. One of the SSgts told him that they had not had a shower in over 7 weeks! That really opened my eyes to just how blessed Daniel is to be stationed where he is... and just how blessed WE are! We don't even realize the living conditions that others in the world are facing.. let alone our Marines and heroes in the service!

He is leaving again tomorrow to head to a different base for about 2 weeks. The Captain in the Army that he is working with is heading home for 2 weeks of leave (He is deployed for a year so he gets 2 weeks of R&R). Daniel has to go to the base to cover for both of them while he's gone. Good news is that base has phones... so it won't be two weeks before I hear from him again! yay! He was really excited.. he got a letter/picture from one of my students from last year that we both LOVE! :) He sounded so cute talking about it.. and was really excited about writing Devin back! I knew that Devin had sent him something.. but kept it a secret so it would be a surprise! :) Hoping that he gets my big package this week!

He still hasn't come up with anything that he really NEEDS. He love Strawberry Shortcake Little Debbie snacks, Strawberry Applesauce (individual cups), and of course green EXTRA gum! I can't thank you enough for your continuous prayers and encouragement. Without those kind words, prayers, and the Lord.. I would never be able to face this deployment alone!

More to come soon! ;)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Update on my MARINE!

Just a little update to let you know what's been going on the last couple of days! The Lord has truly blessed us when it comes to keeping in touch... I have heard from him every day for the last week! He is doing well.. staying busy and seems to really like his new assignment. When he isn't traveling around, he is in an office at Leatherneck and he has really enjoyed having the computer there to e-mail back and forth. It has made it nice to have little notes from him throughout the day to help my day go by... and to know that he's doing alright! He tried to skype us today while I was teaching.. my kids got SO excited! It's been almost 3 weeks since we were able to talk/see him through Skype so this was such a big deal! We were able to hear him but he couldn't hear us because of the connection! They were disappointed but still so excited to get to hear him! It's like he's Santa or something ;)

He is leaving again tomorrow morning(in a few hours his time) to head to another base to do some work. He said he will be there for a few days working with the Captain from the Army that he was teamed up with. He said that they have really hit it off and work well together.. so that's a relief knowing that he has someone to work with that he likes :)

I sent him another package yesterday. I was racing the clock to get to the post office in time and luckily had a VERY nice retired marine that helped me at the post office! It's always a blessing to run into people throughout your day that have that connection.. and sympathy for the sacrifice that our family is making. I made it just in time and the package is on it's way! I know he's excited... lots of goodies in this one! :)

Nothing much has changed in the past few days.. still traveling around with the officers so please keep them in your prayers for safe travels! I will continue updating y'all on anything new that goes on or that I hear! Next week marks our one month mark for this deployment! At times it is amazing to me that one month is already gone.. and then other times it seems like forever until he'll be home again! Just trying to stay busy, prayed up, and keeping focused on the Lord and work to make time go by quickly! I can't wait until I'm posting information about a welcome home party :) :) :)

Thank you AGAIN for prayers and encouragement! God Bless! :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

missing my other half

Well, I had my surgery yesterday! I went into it really upset because I had talked to Dano on Sunday and he said that he wouldn't be able to call me until Wednesday night. When I talked to him Sunday, he was telling me about his first trip for his new assignment. He said that when they got to one of the bases, the Afghans insisted on making them hot tea and serving them fresh fruit. One of the generals that he was with tried to tell them that it wasn't necessary and they didn't have time, but they kept insisting... so Daniel was served hot tea and fresh cut fruit with the officers he was traveling with! He said, "I kinda feel important over here!" :) I know what this means, I'm in for it when he makes it home! That's ok with me! I'd love to spoil him! :)

He sounded great on Sunday.. seemed to really enjoy his trip with the officers and seemed uplifted and encouraged about what he will be doing! He said on Sunday that he was going to be flying out to another base until Wednesday... and he wasn't sure if they would have phones or internet so he probably wouldn't be able to call me for my surgery. That was really hard to cope with.. I'm so used to him babying me and taking care of me.. and for him not to even be able to tell me he loved me on the phone .. killed me! :( I tried my best to stay strong while I talked to him.. and then had a mini melt down once we got off of the phone!

BUT! :) He ended up calling me yesterday morning as I was walking to the Surgery Center! I was so excited to hear his voice! He said that he found a phone.. and I could tell this base wasn't as up to date as Leatherneck because there was a delay in the conversation for the first time. The number actually came up an 843 (Charleston) number and I almost didn't answer it! He had to call to the Charleston Air Force Base and that operator transferred his call to my phone! He sounded great and I know that he could tell that I was relieved to hear his voice before going in for the procedure. He told me that he would try his best to call back to check on me after I was out of surgery! He ended up calling while I was in surgery to make sure things were ok.. and then called again once I was out of recovery and in the room with my mom! When I heard his voice I just lost it! I was so relieved to hear his voice.. and the drugs didn't help me stay calm either! After I calmed down and we got our emotions out of the way, he told me that he would be heading back to Leatherneck for a few days before having to fly out again. He sounded great, but I could tell in his voice that it really bothered him that he couldn't be here for me. It was so great hearing his voice after coming out of the surgery.. that's the only thing that I wanted (well.. that AND apple juice!) :)

He called again this morning around 1:30am.. to check on me and tell me that he was getting ready to fly out and that he would call me once he made it back and settled back in! I heard from him again today around 1:30pm and he was going to bed! I'm sure that this traveling and being pampered is tough work ;) He doesn't realize just how blessed he is to be doing what he is doing.. everyone that I tell that knows the ranks and the military has such a funny reaction! It's unheard of for a Sgt to be working with all officers.. and I could not be more proud that my hubby gets this honor! :)

I'm really proud of my MARINE and everything that he is accomplishing over there! I still can't believe the potential that they see in him and the opportunities that this assignment is providing for him! These next 6 months will build his career and only strengthen his resume.. no matter where or what we decide to do from here! I'm so excited and happy for him.. he deserves to be recognized.. and rewarded for being a good man and an excellent MARINE!

He is going to call me again when he wakes up for the day.. I'm thinking between 11p-12a this morning. I think that he is flying out again on the 19th for a few days. Please please PLEASE continue to pray for his safety as he is making his rounds in Afghanistan! He will need all the prayers that he can get! :) Thank you again for all of your support! If you want to send him any encouragement, feel free! I know it brightens his day when he gets something from home!

Love y'all! :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

SO proud of my HERO!

Third day in a row! Even from the other side of the world, Dano still finds ways to spoil me! :) He called this morning around 9:30 (6pm his time). He sounded great! When I answered he told me that they moved him from the academy and my heart dropped! I immediately thought that they were moving him off base somewhere and felt so upset. He told me that a Colonel pulled him to the side while he was working today and told him that the Major that was in charge of monitoring the border patrol in Afghanistan had been moved and put in charge of the academy. He told Daniel that they had watched him the last few days as they have built the tents and prepared everything and noticed that he was a natural leader and very motivated and decided that they wanted Daniel to fill the Major's position! My jaw dropped when he was telling me this! He said that he had to sit in on his first meeting with 8 Colonels and a General this afternoon! He will be the only enlisted Marine with all of these officers as they fly from base to base to check on the border patrol and Marines. He sounded SO excited about this honor! I mean, who would have thought that he would have ended up the only enlisted Marine with a group of officers and filling the shoes of a Major in the Marine Corps! God definitely has His hand in all of this, there is NO denying that!

I could not be more proud of him and the man that he is.. and I am so glad that he is getting recognized for it! It's just awesome to know that his hard work and motivation is paying off for him! It's helping him to be motivated and excited which I know will help make time to go a lot faster for him! He will be flying to a base every couple of days to check on things but while he is at Camp Leatherneck on his days off, he will have his own office area with a computer and phone! I am very excited about this because I know that I will get to hear from him even MORE than I have already! This deployment is going to be very hard to be apart from each other, but it will be SO much easier being able to hear from him so often! It's just SO awesome how all of this has fallen into place. We KNEW there was a reason that he was recalled and sent over there, and it has been amazing to see God's hand in all of this and see the reasons unfold! I can't wait to see what else He has in store for us... and I am so excited for my SGT! :)

He got my package yesterday! :) There was so much excitement in his voice when he told me he had gotten it! It only took 6 days .. and that was with a holiday in between! It was so awesome to make contact with him through a care package.. and he was so excited about his goodies and snacks :) Only more goodies to come.. I have to spoil him too, ya know! :)

Thank you so much for your encouraging words and prayers! It's obvious that God is still in the prayer answering business and our prayers our working! Please pray for his safety as he flies from place to place now that he has a new assignment. He was taking his first flight with them to the Southern-most part of Afghanistan tomorrow (its 5:30 am on Sunday there now). Please pray for his safety in his travels!

Maybe my next post I will be able to share some pictures! Hopefully he will be able to share some as he travels with these officers from base to base! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

woke up happy today :)

He called last night around 1am our time.. it was about 9:30 in the morning his time! So he was wide awake and ready for the day.. and I was just into my deep sleep :) But hey.. I'm not complaining! It was so great to hear my phone ring and see that it was him.. no other feeling in the world like that right now!

He sounded great. Really missing me and the doggers! He asked how they were doing and if they missed him :) They really do.. it's nuts! Boogee has gone into guard dog mode. Every little sound he is barking his head off and walking around with his chest poked out like he's going to tear somebody up! From the outside, it sounds ferocious. When the door opens and you see that he's only about 7 pounds and Fifi barely hits 5, it's quite amusing! :)

He said that there was an incident on base the other day and two marines were injured. It's crazy to think about what he is actually hearing and seeing over there. We take our lives for granted so much! No matter what battle or storm we are facing here, we still have so much to be thankful for. Please pray for the safety of the troops there and also for the brave Afghanistan men that are translators and other things for our Marines. They put their families safety and their own safety at risk everyday because they are willing to help us. . It just puts things into perspective when you think that you are going through something terrible.. makes you realize just HOW MUCH you have to be thankful for.. even in the midst of a storm!

He seems to be staying busy! They are still working on the tents.. putting floors and walls in and getting everything set up. I think that the first group starts on October 1st (that's what he said a few calls ago) and so they will be getting ready for them to come and start training! I know he's definitely looking forward to having his own space or 'room' once the tents are finished. He said that they might end up hooking up wireless in that tent for them so that would really be awesome! He said that he's pretty sure that they will be coming home in February based on what some of the officers have said that he's with. I sure hope it's February! Once the holidays get here the time will start flying by and I'll be hugging him again before I know it!

Thank you again for all of your prayers. We are so thankful for the love and encouragement that we have from our friends and family. I don't think Dano even realizes just how many people are praying for him and for his return. I look forward to hearing something again soon and will post as soon as I do :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Another awesome wake up call!

I went to bed super early last night because of the long weekend back and forth to mom and dad's! I was in bed around 8:45... but around midnight I heard my phone ring and just had a rush of happiness take over! :) It was my hero! :)

He sounded great! Seems to be completed adjusted to the time difference and sleeping well at night. He has been setting up the academy the last few days. He said that today and tomorrow they were going to be putting in the wood floors and walls into their tent. He said that they have been putting in long hours in the heat while they've been building the academy. He said that his arms and face are really tan! :) I know that he has to be ready for the academy to start so that he's doing what he loves.. training and infantry skills. He said he is going to try to get his green belt in the evenings.. they are offering classes there on base. I'm thankful that he is trying to stay busy and is motivated to get in shape and better himself while he's there!

I asked him what he needed and he said that there still isn't anything that really sticks out. He said the best thing that anyone could send would be encouraging letters... so that's always a good thing to send :) He said that once he gets into the tent and has his own 'room' he will have more space so he might want more things then. I know that babywipes are a big hit there because of the heat and feeling so yucky! I will continue to update the list as he gives me suggestions. As for now, I would say any type of encouragement would be the thing to put the biggest smile on his face (and EXTRA spearmint gum!)

Hoping to hear from him again tonight (which will be the morning for him). He said he was going to try to call me more in the morning before he heads out for the day because once he gets off, eats, and showers, he is beat and ready for sleep! Please continue to pray for the Lord to keep him in high spirits and motivated... and for time to pass by VERY quickly for both of us! We are SO ready to be together again... but we know that the Lord has a reason for this and we can't wait to see where our life takes us next!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Phone call in the middle of the night :)

SOOO happy today! Got to hear from him in the middle of the night last night! He sounded so good.. and was so happy to hear my voice :)

The group that he is with was cut down to 5 marines from 8.. and he made the cut! :) He is very blessed to have stayed with this group of instructors for this academy. They are going to be well taken care of! Instead of being in a tent with 18+ marines, the five of them will be in a tent together. They are going to put wood floors and walls in their tent so that they each have their own 'room'! I am really excited for him that he will have a better sleeping arrangement and not be stuffed in a tent in bunk beds! I guess they know that these 5 marines will be very busy, working hard, and have a lot on their plates so they want to make sure that they are comfortable and well taken care of! I am so glad that he stayed with this group. I know that he will soar as a leader and instructor.. he loves helping people better themselves and seems very excited about what is ahead of him! What a blessing! :) It's awesome to think about the impact that he could have on these Afghan soldiers. I know he is relieved that he will be busy for the deployment rather than sitting around and having time creep by... and being at Camp Leatherneck is such a relief! We are so thankful that he will be safe and secure.. and not have to take the chance of moving from place to place and being in harms way! The Lord has blessed us so much with this assignment and opportunity for him. He's hoping that he'll get to pick up Staff Sergeant while he's there since he is a 3rd year Sgt! Never know what this might mean for our future... We are open to anything and everything.. as long as we know we are in God's will!

Hearing his voice and knowing that he's safe and on a sleeping schedule is such a relief. I am so thankful that he has adjusted to the time difference and is actually looking forward to his job! He said they worked on putting up the tents, etc. for the academy yesterday and he was running a jack hammer! I would have loved to see that :)

Thank you again for your continuous support, encouragement and prayers! I look forward to hearing his stories and sharing them with our friends and family! His first care package was mailed Saturday morning.. waiting to see how long it takes to get from me to him! I am excited about being able to mail him goodies to make his heart smile! :)

I will update his 'wish list' when I hear from him again tonight (hopefully!) :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

He's safe and secure :)

SOOO glad that I heard from him today! He is safe and sound (actually sleeping better!) and will be at Camp Leatherneck for his deployment. He was in good spirits and happy to see me (and my 16 babies) when he skyped us this morning!

He is one of 8 Marines that will be building and starting an academy for the afghan soldiers. We are SO thankful for this assignment and blessed because he is in the safest spot there! Thank you for your continuous prayers and words of encouragement! We are very thankful for our friends and family that have been there for us through all of this craziness. Thank goodness the deployment is under way and we can start our countdown for homecoming :)

His address is :

UNIT 73010
FPO AE 09510-3010

He is going to let me know after the weekend what he needs/would like in packages. Any notes of encouragement, snacks, goodies, EXTRA Spearmint Gum, and drinks like SMART water or Gatorade would be great! I will update the list once I hear more from him. He's trying to feel out the area and see what he could use or what he needs to be more comfortable while he is there!

Thank you so much again for your support and prayers! We know that the Lord has His hand on Daniel and will bring him home safely before we know it! Please pray for the safety of the Marines and the families who are making sacrifices while they are deployed and defending our country!

More to come soon! :)