Friday, October 30, 2009

so proud of my hero! :)

Just wanted to post a video of Dano :) He was a part of the opening ceremony for the academy that he had been working with ... they opened the academy and Dano was one of the Marines that helped to raise the flag for the ceremony! If you play the video, you'll see him in the very beginning, raising the American Flag on the far right... Super proud of you DP! :)

Other than that, he's doing great! He called and talked to the kids today.. which was neat because they were all (including me) in costumes... so he got to see us all dressed up! :) They were all so excited.. he hasn't been able to call them in a while.. so they were flipping out! It's so sweet to hear them ask him their questions and to hear him try to sugar coat everything for them... One of my little girls asked him today if there had been any damage there... and you could tell he got a little choked up and he said, "No Claire, no damage. Just a lot of people here trying to make this a better place." It was just so precious. After school, he called back and we talked for over an hour on the webcam! He seems to still be doing great... Ready to come home, but thankful that the time is going so quickly! We can't believe that October is over after tomorrow... looking forward to March.. if not sooner! :) It doesn't seem that far away at all! Once the Holidays are over, he'll be home in NO time! WOO HOO!

So for now, we are both just taking it day by day! I know that he is looking forward to David Paul making it there within the next week or so... he left last night to start heading that way! Please keep their family and David Paul in your prayers... it's crazy how quick time has gone... it seems like yesterday Dano left and David Paul had two months before his date... now he's already gone! I'm thankful that they will have each other for support... and to ease our minds back home!

Thank you so much for your prayers, words of encouragement, and sweet letters/packages! I know that it means the world to him because it means the world to me! :) Keep us in your prayers.. they have worked wonders so far! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the video, I found it on-line last night after Kyle told me about it!! I was so excited to see them both, and so proud that they got to be apart of something that is going to make such a difference for the Afghan people!! I can't wait for our boys to be home!!
