Saturday, December 19, 2009

Last few days of 2009!

Well- I made it through this past week at work and I'm officially on Christmas break! YAY! I can't believe how quickly December has been flying by! It's amazing to think that we only have 11 more days of 2009!

This has been a tough week... I realized this week just how blessed and fortunate we have been throughout this deployment. Daniel does his best every day to touch base with me somehow... most of the time through a phone call but if not then definitely at least an e-mail. Since last week, Daniel has been away from Camp Leatherneck and has not had any access to computers or phones... he was able to call once from Payne and then another time Wednesday morning, from a different location, just to tell me that he was ok and to ease my mind. He was supposed to be back to Leatherneck by Tuesday evening my time... and he hadn't called... so he figured he should call on Wednesday morning to let me know that he was ok but that he was stuck there until there was another flight.. he said there wouldn't be another one until probably the 24th! I haven't heard from him since... so I'm assuming that he is still stuck wherever he is in this world. The only thing that has helped me through this past week or so is prayer... Prayer for protection from him and comfort for me... it's so hard not knowing where in the world your husband is (literally)... and I've been so spoiled by hearing from him daily! I know that the Lord has His hands on Daniel and will protect him wherever He may be... it's just very hard not knowing! I am hoping that maybe he will call sometime tomorrow just to check in again... PLEASE keep us in your prayers... His birthday (12/22) and Christmas are this week so it's going to be a tough week for us to be apart!

Other than all of that, things here have been hectic and crazy! My mom flew down Thursday evening and spent the last day with my kiddos with me on Friday! We were supposed to go to Richmond bright and early this morning... but all the snow kept us from being able to drive! Richmond already has a foot of snow.. and my grandparents in MD have 2 feet! We are hoping to be able to leave tomorrow morning and I am hoping to be able to get to MD tomorrow evening... please keep us in your prayers while we travel! I am so excited to have a white Christmas... but would be more excited if Dano was here to enjoy it with me. :(

As always, thank you for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers! Christmas day marks 4 months that we have been apart... it's been hard but we are stronger now than we have ever been! I am so thankful that the Lord brought us to this and trust and know that he will bring us through it, too! Can't wait to get back from Christmas break and start a brand new year and officially start our countdown to homecoming! :)

Hope you have a very merry Christmas and blessed 2010!

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