Daniel uploaded a bunch of pictures the other day... here are a few that I wanted to share!
This is my Marine on the back of a truck that he uses to get around in... Not sure if it was raining or his camera lens was dirty... but it looks kinda fuzzy!

Here are few he posted from traveling around... I thought that the picture of the desert was crazy! You know they are in the desert and hear about it... but this was just crazy to me!

This is a picture taken from the sky.. looking down on the mountains he was flying over!

Other than that, Daniel is doing great... been VERY busy! He hasn't been able to call or e-mail as much ... but I hear from him every day in some form... either through e-mail or hearing his voice :) I am so thankful that we have been able to keep in touch so much! I am so spoiled now... I know that he is going to find someway to get in touch with me everyday.. I'm a lucky girl! He told me this week that they got a flight window for March... when it gets closer and we know that it's definite.. I will give more details... but I don't want to post something and have to change it once they decide to move it again! But for now... he is going to be back in the states sometime in early March! :)
The most amazing thing happened this week ... I was talking to Daniel on Skype (webcam) early Thursday morning before heading into work. He asked to see the dogs and I had already put them up for the day... so I went to get them from their cage... When I came back I noticed that Daniel was looking behind me... He said, " you are never going to believe this!" I was kind of confused because I didn't understand what he could have seen... He said, "I just had this feeling to turn around to see if David Paul was in here... " (David Paul is our family friend that left a week or so ago to head to Leatherneck) About that time Daniel moved his head to the side and asked me if I could see him... In the background, David Paul was sitting in line waiting for a computer to open up! They had not found each other yet... so Daniel got his attention and David Paul came over to the computer! so I got to see their reunion on Skype! :) It was the best moment... they were both so happy to see each other and you could tell that David Paul was relieved to see a familiar face! It gave me cold chills and I got all choked up.. I was so thankful to be able to see that moment... and thankful that they now have each other there for support!
Please keep Daniel in your prayers... he has been traveling all weekend and then will head back out to travel again in a week or so for about a week! It's hard when he leaves Leatherneck because he can't give me any details on where he is or what he is doing... just leaves me with a very strange feeling! I know that the Lord is with Him no matter where he goes and is guiding his every step... but it's tough not knowing where in the world your husband is!
Thank you so much for your support... please continue to pray and encourage both of us... we are getting ready to face the toughest part of this whole deployment with the Holidays coming up... We are both very big into Holidays... especially Christmas... and it's going to be very hard to be apart on those special times with family and friends. But with the way time has been flying by... it will be March before we know it and we will look back on this and be thankful for all the blessings that have come from this deployment! More pic tures to come soon!
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