Can't believe that today was the last day of September and October is here! YAY! I am so excited and amazed at how quickly time has gone by! Before we know it the holidays will come and go, and it will be time for me to pick up my other half :)
Daniel is doing great! He got his package with his new electric razor and GPS! I was really worried that someone had taken the package.. but luckily it was there waiting when he returned from traveling! He was really excited about all of the goodies in the box! His cookies that mom made were crumbled.. but he said they were still good! :) He always sounds soooo excited and encouraged when he has received a package from home! I love how much that brightens his days!
He just got back today to Leatherneck from traveling to a couple of bases. His translator, 'Mike', traveled with him. Daniel said that he is a really nice guy! He sent me a message online that said, 'I can't believe your husband loves you so much. You are really lucky to have a husband like that' :) He also said that he really likes Daniel but Daniel is having a hard time understanding his English! This made me laugh.. not only because I imagined a good ol' Southern boy talking to an Afghani translator.. but because of Daniel's hearing loss! I asked him to be very patient with Daniel as he communicates with him. I thought that his message was very sweet.. made me feel good that even 'Mike' could pick up on the fact that Dano is a good man.. and loves me a lot :)
Our article made it to the Journal Scene today! Click on this link and you'll get to read it! :)
The kids were SO excited about the article! I was, too! I thought that the journalist did a great job writing it up and look forward to sending an 'autographed' copy to Dano! :)
I am SO excited that tomorrow starts a brand new month! I am so thankful for all of your prayers and encouragement! I know that the Lord has a wonderful and perfect plan for our lives.. and this is a part of it for some reason! I am just thankful that I can talk to him so often and get e-mails from him throughout the day to help me get through being without him! It's hard to be without someone once you get used to them being by your side all of the time! I can NOT wait until it's time to bring him on home for good! :) What a PERFECT day that will be!