Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A little more than I expected...

Dano called last night around 10pm! I was so excited to hear from him because the last time I heard from him was Saturday afternoon! That is the longest that we've gone since he's been gone.. so I realized just how spoiled I have become :( It's been so nice to have contact with him every other day or so.. so three days were REALLY long and REALLY lonely.

He sounded good. He had just gotten back from traveling to the southern most part of Afghanistan (where we have Marines). He was filling me in on his last few days.. and he had taken part in a lot more than what I thought that he would be doing. He took a squad out on a patrol and was exposed to much more than I thought that he would be.. considering what he's doing. It shook me up a lot. Without giving details, just know that he needs EXTRA prayers as he may be in and out of harms way with this position after all. It was hard to hear him talk about the things that he had seen and had to do without getting emotional. He could tell that it was upsetting me.. and I hated it! I have done so well keeping my emotions under control when I talk with him. I haven't let him hear me or see me upset because I know that makes it even harder on him. Last night, I couldn't help it... I was so taken off guard with all of this news and information and my emotions just got the best of me. He reassured me that everything was fine.. and that he knew that the Lord had His hand on him and that he would be safe no matter where he was or what he was doing. I was/am SOOOOOOO thankful that the Lord has kept him safe and brought him through everything that he's done this far. Please continue to pray for him as he is starting to be exposed to these things ... and pray for me as I am giving this all to the Lord daily!

Other than that news, he sounded great! Missing me and his doggers terribly.. I had to get them out of their bed and bring them downstairs so he could see them on the web cam. :) They get so confused though.. it's pitiful. They look around all over to see where his voice is coming from.. they definitely miss him!

He was filling me in on the Marines that he checked on while he had been gone. One of the SSgts told him that they had not had a shower in over 7 weeks! That really opened my eyes to just how blessed Daniel is to be stationed where he is... and just how blessed WE are! We don't even realize the living conditions that others in the world are facing.. let alone our Marines and heroes in the service!

He is leaving again tomorrow to head to a different base for about 2 weeks. The Captain in the Army that he is working with is heading home for 2 weeks of leave (He is deployed for a year so he gets 2 weeks of R&R). Daniel has to go to the base to cover for both of them while he's gone. Good news is that base has phones... so it won't be two weeks before I hear from him again! yay! He was really excited.. he got a letter/picture from one of my students from last year that we both LOVE! :) He sounded so cute talking about it.. and was really excited about writing Devin back! I knew that Devin had sent him something.. but kept it a secret so it would be a surprise! :) Hoping that he gets my big package this week!

He still hasn't come up with anything that he really NEEDS. He love Strawberry Shortcake Little Debbie snacks, Strawberry Applesauce (individual cups), and of course green EXTRA gum! I can't thank you enough for your continuous prayers and encouragement. Without those kind words, prayers, and the Lord.. I would never be able to face this deployment alone!

More to come soon! ;)

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